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contributor authorجعفر احمدیen
contributor authorالهام بصیریen
contributor authorS.M.T.K. MirMostafaeeen
contributor authorJafar Ahmadifa
contributor authorElham Basirifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:26:04Z
date available2020-06-06T13:26:04Z
date issued2016
identifier uri
description abstractChoosing the sample size is a problem faced by anyone doing a survey of any type. What sample

size do we need?" is one of the most frequently asked questions of statisticians. The answer always

starts with It depends on ...". In this paper, we respond to this question by considering two criteria,

total cost of experiment and mean squared prediction error in prediction problem. Towards this end,

we discuss the problem of Bayesian predicting future observations from an exponential distribution

based on an observed sample, when the information sample size is fixed as well as a random variable.

Some distributions for the information sample size are considered and then for each case we find the

parameter of distribution of the information sample size, such that the point predictor of a future

order statistic has minimum mean squared prediction error when the total cost of experiment is

bounded. To show the usefulness of our results, we present a simulation study. Finally, we apply our

results to some real data sets in life testing.
titleOptimal random sample size based on Bayesian prediction of exponential lifetime and application to real dataen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsBayesian point predictoren
subject keywordsMean squared prediction erroren
subject keywordsCost functionen
subject keywordsRandom sample sizeen
journal titleJournal of the Korean Statistical Societyfa
journal volume45
journal issue2
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identifier articleid1050111

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