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contributor authorAmbrogio, Stefano
contributor authorBalatti, S.
contributor authorCubeta, A.
contributor authorCalderoni, Alessandro
contributor authorRamaswamy, Nirmal
contributor authorIelmini, Daniele
date accessioned2020-03-13T00:11:54Z
date available2020-03-13T00:11:54Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0018-9383
identifier other6847211.pdf
identifier uri
titleStatistical Fluctuations in HfO<sub><italic><bold>x</bold></italic></sub> Resistive-Switching Memory: Part I - Set/Reset Variability
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8319885
subject keywordsMonte Carlo methods
subject keywordshafnium compounds
subject keywordsinsulating thin films
subject keywordsrandom-access storage
subject keywordsstatistical distributions
subject keywordsCF 1-D structure
subject keywordsHfO<
subject keywordssub>
subject keywordsx<
subject keywords/sub>
subject keywordsRRAM
subject keywordscell designing
subject keywordscell downscaling
subject keywordsconductive filament
subject keywordsdefect discrete nature
subject keywordsdiscrete fluctuation events
subject keywordsphysics-based Monte Carlo model
subject keywordsprogramming operations
subject keywordsreset state distribution
subject keywordsresistive-switching memory
subject keywordsset state distribution
subject keywordsset-reset variability
subject keywordsstatistical fluctuations
subject keywordsstatistical variability
subject keywordsswitching statist
identifier doi10.1109/TED.2014.2330200
journal titleElectron Devices, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume61
journal issue8

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