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contributor authorGarcia-Holgado, A.
contributor authorGarcia-Peñ
contributor authoralvo, F.J.
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:38:26Z
date available2020-03-12T22:38:26Z
date issued2014
identifier other7017711.pdf
identifier uri
titleArchitectural pattern for the definition of eLearning ecosystems based on Open Source developments
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8227896
subject keywordscomputerised tomography
subject keywordsn copper
subject keywordsn integrated circuit metallisation
subject keywordsn power amplifiers
subject keywordsn sputter etching
subject keywordsn three-dimensional integrated circuits
subject keywordsn tungsten
subject keywordsn Cu
subject keywordsn TSV etch process
subject keywordsn TSV metallization process
subject keywordsn W
subject keywordsn X-ray computed tomography
subject keywordsn copper TSV
subject keywordsn edge exclusion region
subject keywordsn power amplifiers
subject keywordsn stacked memory
subject keywordsn through silicon vias imaging
subject keywordsn tungsten TSV
subject keywordsn Computed tomography
subject keywordsn Image edge detection
subject keywordsn Power amplifiers
subject keywordsn Silicon
identifier doi10.1109/IPFA.2014.6898170
journal titleomputers in Education (SIIE), 2014 International Symposium on

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