نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 72
The effect of mother-infant skin to skin contact on anxiety regarding infants
سال: 2012
The effect of mother-infant skin to skin contact on anxiety regarding infants...
Microbiological assessment and evaluation of rehydration instructions on powdered infant formulas, follow up formulas, and infant foods in Malaysia
ناشر: American Dairy Science Association
سال: 2013
A high solids steam injection process for the manufacture of powdered infant milk formula
ناشر: springer
سال: 2013
Evaluation of the mineral content of infant formulas consumed in Brazil
ناشر: American Dairy Science Association
سال: 2013
Microwave assisted extraction and determination of dicyandiamide residue in infant formula samples by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
ناشر: American Dairy Science Association
سال: 2013
Comparison of methods for the microbiological identification and typing of Cronobacter species in infant formula
ناشر: American Dairy Science Association
Determination of vanillin, ethyl vanillin, and coumarin in infant formula by liquid chromatography quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometry
ناشر: American Dairy Science Association
An Analytical Study of the Relationship between Sleep and Temperament in Infants and Young Children
سال: 2012
compared to
easy children.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the
results of those studies that investigated the factors
influencing the development of sleep problems in infants and
young children...
In silico comparison of binding of lactoferrin from different species to receptors involved in the development of cognitive function in infants
سال: 2018
Mothers milk is recommended for all newborn children. nonetheless, in some cases, breastfeeding is
insufficient or unsuccessful or harmful for some medical reasons, or the mother decides not to bosom feed either at all or for a time. infant...