Now showing items 1-10 of 100
An Eigenspace-Based Approach for Human Fall Detection using Integrated Time Motion Image and Neural Network
Falls are a major health hazard for the elderly and
a serious obstacle for independent living. Since falling
causes dramatic physical-psychological consequences,
development of intelligent video ...
Semantic Classification of Ilami Kurdish Verbs of Motion
In this paper, we aim to analyze some of the most common Ilami motion verbs taken from Ilami native individuals to represent the semantic features of such verbs. In pursuit of this goal, we analyze Ilami dialect data through ...
Marker based Human Pose Estimation Using Annealed Particle Swarm Optimization with Search Space Partitioning
In this paper, a marker based human pose
estimation from multi-view video sequences is presented.
The pose estimation problem is defined as optimization of
the 45 parameters which define body pose ...
A Novel Forgetting Factor Recursive Least Square Algorithm Applied to the Human Motion Analysis
Abstract—This paper is concerned with studying the forgetting
factor of the recursive least square (RLS). A new dynamic forgetting
factor (DFF) for RLS algorithm is presented. The proposed DFF-RLS
is ...