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contributor authorزینب روح بخش زائریen
contributor authorمحمدرضا حسین دختen
contributor authorZeinab Rouhbakhsh zaerifa
contributor authorMohammad Reza Housaindokhtfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:56:55Z
date available2020-06-06T13:56:55Z
date copyright2/24/2010
date issued2010
identifier uri
description abstractHuman serum albumin (HSA) is the most abundant carrier protein of

the blood with a high affinity for a wide range of metabolites and drugs

and have many physiological functions. Propranolol, 1-[isopropylamino-

3-[1-naphthyloxy]-2-propanol], is a adrenoceptor antagonist (-blocker),

which is widely used in the treatment of several diseases such as

cardiac arrhythmia, angina pectoris, sinus tachycardia, thyrotoxicosis,

hypertrophic subaortic stenosis and hypertension. The effects of static

magnetic fields (SMFs) on biological systems have been a topic of

considerable interest for last two decades. The increasing production of

electric (EMFs) and magnetic fields (MFs) due to the increasing use of

electronic devices in homes and work places, is encouraging studies on

the influences of magnetic fields on living organisms with a goal to

protect better human health against their probable unfavorable effects.

In this paper, the interaction between propranolol HSA and in

physiological buffer (pH 7.4) was investigated by UV and fluorescence

absorption spectroscopy. In order to understand the effect of magnetic

field, all experiments were also done in the presence of magnetic field

(3 mT); and the binding parameters were determined for both cases.

The Hill equation was employed to analyze the data obtained, for

determining of the binding capacity, g, binding constant, K, and Hill

constant, nH,.

The results showed that the values of g and nH increased slightly

in the presence of magnetic field, and the binding constant in both

method, uv and fluorescence spectroscopy, was decreased in the

magnetic field exposed situation.
titleStudies on interaction between propranolol and HSA in presence and absence of magnetic fielden
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordspropranololen
subject keywordsHSAen
subject keywordsmagnetic fielden
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conference titleنهمین همایش بیوشیمی فیزیک ایرانfa
identifier articleid1014936

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