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contributor authorde Figueiredo Garrido, N.M. , Bucho Cercas, F.A.
date accessioned2020-03-12T19:59:48Z
date available2020-03-12T19:59:48Z
date issued2014
identifier other6845145.pdf
identifier uri
titleEqualization in hard disk drive read channels
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8118026
subject keywordschaos
subject keywordselectrocardiography
subject keywordsfeature extraction
subject keywordsmedical signal processing
subject keywordswaveform analysis
subject keywordsECG
subject keywordsbiometrics authentication
subject keywordschaos indicator
subject keywordschaotic heartbeat waveform
subject keywordsdiscriminative characteristic features
subject keywordspersonal authentication method
subject keywordssecurity enhancement
subject keywordswireless communication
subject keywordsBluetooth
subject keywordsChaos
subject keywordsEntropy
subject keywordsJava
subject keywordsTransforms
subject keywordsVectors
subject keywordsAuthentication
subject keywordsBiometrics
subject keywordsChaos
subject keywordsHeartbeat waveform
identifier doi10.1109/BMEiCON.2014.7017418
journal titleelecommunications (ICT), 2014 21st International Conference on

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