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date accessioned2020-03-12T19:59:10Z
date available2020-03-12T19:59:10Z
date issued2014
identifier other6844516.pdf
identifier uri
titleAmplitude of N400 component unaffected by lexical priming for moderately constraining sentences
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8117582
subject keywordselectromyography
subject keywordsgait analysis
subject keywordsmedical robotics
subject keywordsmedical signal detection
subject keywordsmedical signal processing
subject keywordspatient rehabilitation
subject keywordsstatistical analysis
subject keywordsEMG signal amplitudes
subject keywordsacceleration-induced response
subject keywordsbicep EMG signal
subject keywordsbicep curl movements
subject keywordselectromyography signals
subject keywordsmotion intention detection
subject keywordsmovement acceleration
subject keywordsmovement velocity
subject keywordsmuscular effort
subject keywordsphysical movement
subject keywordsrobotic assistance
subject keywordsrobotic-based physical rehabilitation
subject keywordsstatistical analysis
subject keywordsvelocity-induced response
subject keywordsAcceleration
subject keywordsCo
identifier doi10.1109/HNICEM.2014.7016198
journal titleognitive Information Processing (CIP), 2014 4th International Workshop on
contributor rawauthorKhachatryan, E. , van Vliet, M. , De Deyne, S. , Storms, G. , Manvelyan, H. , Van Hulle, M.M.

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