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contributor authorDraexler, Martin , Karl, Holger
date accessioned2020-03-12T19:57:53Z
date available2020-03-12T19:57:53Z
date issued2014
identifier other6843063.pdf
identifier uri
titleFeasibility of Base Station Coordination and Dynamic Backhaul Network Configuration in Backhaul Networks with Limited Capacity
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8116650
subject keywordsaluminium
subject keywordsexplosives
subject keywordsinterferometry
subject keywordsplasma shock waves
subject keywordssemiconductor devices
subject keywordssilicon
subject keywordsAl
subject keywordsSi
subject keywordsaluminum
subject keywordsatmospheric pressure
subject keywordselectrical initiator element
subject keywordsreference interferometry
subject keywordssealed bridge
subject keywordsself-similar water flow model
subject keywordssemiconductor bridge operation
subject keywordsshadow imaging
subject keywordsshock wave propagation
subject keywordsshockwave generation
subject keywordssilicon atoms
subject keywordssilicon device
subject keywordswater density
subject keywordsBridges
subject keywordsExplosives
subject keywordsOptical imaging
subject keywordsOptical interferometry
subject keywordsPhysics
subject keywordsPlasmas
subject keywordsSilicon devices
identifier doi10.1109/PLASMA.2014.7012598
journal titleuropean Wireless 2014; 20th European Wireless Conference; Proceedings of

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