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contributor authorAlexandru, N.D. , Balan, A.L.
date accessioned2020-03-12T19:57:22Z
date available2020-03-12T19:57:22Z
date issued2014
identifier other6842428.pdf
identifier uri
titleOptimization of an improved Nyquist filter with piece-wise polynomial frequency characteristic
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8116269
subject keywordspulse generators
subject keywordspulsed power supplies
subject keywordspulsed power switches
subject keywordsspark gaps
subject keywordsHPM pulsed power driver
subject keywordsLTD
subject keywordsMarx electrical model
subject keywordsMarx generator
subject keywordsMarx utilizing sparkgap switches
subject keywordsPSICE modeling
subject keywordsfrequency 10 Hz
subject keywordslinear transformer driver
subject keywordslow impedance loads development
subject keywordspulse generator
subject keywordssemiconductor pulsed switching technology
subject keywordsvoltage 500 kV
subject keywordsComputers
subject keywordsElectric potential
subject keywordsGenerators
subject keywordsImpedance
subject keywordsLoad modeling
subject keywordsPower electronics
subject keywordsPulse generation
identifier doi10.1109/PLASMA.2014.7012301
journal titleevelopment and Application Systems (DAS), 2014 International Conference on

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