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date accessioned2020-03-12T19:57:16Z
date available2020-03-12T19:57:16Z
date issued2014
identifier other6842358.pdf
identifier uri
titleWind tunnel testing of a VTOL MAV propeller in tilted operating mode
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8116201
subject keywordsplasma inertial confinement
subject keywordsplasma light propagation
subject keywordsplasma simulation
subject keywordsplasma sources
subject keywordsrelativistic plasmas
subject keywordselectrostatic potential
subject keywordsenhanced electron acceleration
subject keywordsfast electron source
subject keywordsfast-ignition inertial confinement fusion
subject keywordsheating
subject keywordshigh-intensity laser-plasma interaction
subject keywordsintense laser interaction
subject keywordslaser-electron conversion efficiency
subject keywordsmultipicosecond laser pulse length
subject keywordsparticle-in-cell simulation
subject keywordsrelativistic critical density
subject keywordsrelativistic energy
subject keywordsthermal preplasma expansion
subject keywordsultra
identifier doi10.1109/PLASMA.2014.7012244
journal titlenmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2014 International Conference on
contributor rawauthorTheys, B. , Dimitriadis, G. , Andrianne, T. , Hendrick, P. , De Schutter, J.

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