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date accessioned2020-03-12T19:41:00Z
date available2020-03-12T19:41:00Z
date issued2014
identifier other6802106.pdf
identifier uri
titleAn ungrounded tactile feedback device to portray force and torque-like interactions in virtual environments
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8101807
subject keywordsconductors (electric)
subject keywordselectric admittance
subject keywordselectromagnetic induction
subject keywordsmagnetic fields
subject keywordsmagnetic flux
subject keywordsQ-quality frequency dependence
subject keywordsaxial current density
subject keywordsconductor external areas
subject keywordsconductor internal areas
subject keywordscurrent running inductance calculation
subject keywordscylindrical conductor inductance
subject keywordsflux running inductance calculation
subject keywordsinductance characteristics calculation
subject keywordsmagnetic characteristics calculation
subject keywordsmagnetic field induction
subject keywordsmagnetic flux value determine
subject keywordsradial distribution calculate
subject keywordstubular condu
identifier doi10.1109/ICSES.2014.6948710
journal titleirtual Reality (VR), 2014 iEEE
contributor rawauthorGuinan, A.L. , Montandon, M.N. , Doxon, A.J. , Provancher, W.R.

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