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contributor authorChaudhary, A. , Kumar, A. , Tiwari, V.N.
date accessioned2020-03-12T19:38:51Z
date available2020-03-12T19:38:51Z
date issued2014
identifier other6798326.pdf
identifier uri
titleA reliable solution against Packet dropping attack due to malicious nodes using fuzzy Logic in MANETs
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8100316
subject keywordscyclotron resonance
subject keywordselectrodes
subject keywordsion beam effects
subject keywordsion implantation
subject keywordsion sources
subject keywordsECRIS
subject keywordsaccel-decel extraction system
subject keywordsbeam line
subject keywordsbeam loss
subject keywordsbeam transport optimization
subject keywordscharge state
subject keywordsextraction electrodes
subject keywordsion beam current
subject keywordsmass-charge analysis
subject keywordsmid-electrode potential effect
subject keywordsmulticharged ion beam extraction
subject keywordssector magnet
subject keywordssingle-holes
subject keywordstandem type electron cyclotron resonance ion source
subject keywordsCurrent measurement
subject keywordsElectric potential
subject keywordsElectrodes
subject keywordsIon beams
subject keywordsIon sources
subject keywordsPlasmas
subject keywordsECR ion source
subject keywordsco
identifier doi10.1109/IIT.2014.6940034
journal titleptimization, Reliabilty, and Information Technology (ICROIT), 2014 International Conference on

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