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contributor authorAl Yahmedi, A.S. , Sayari, M.A.
date accessioned2020-03-12T19:37:27Z
date available2020-03-12T19:37:27Z
date issued2014
identifier other6783284.pdf
identifier uri
titleEfficient walking of a simple biped with a torso
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8099336
subject keywordsdynamic programming
subject keywordsheuristic programming
subject keywordslearning (artificial intelligence)
subject keywordsmathematical analysis
subject keywordsneural nets
subject keywordsoptimal control
subject keywordspower convertors
subject keywordspower grids
subject keywordspower plants
subject keywordsACD
subject keywordsGCC plant mathematical model
subject keywordsHDP design
subject keywordsRNN controller
subject keywordsaction neural network
subject keywordsadaptive critic designs
subject keywordscalculation time reduction
subject keywordscritic neural network
subject keywordsgood tracking ability
subject keywordsgrid-connected converter
subject keywordsheuristic dynamic programming
subject keywordsonline training cycles
subject keywordsoptimal control design
subject keywordssystem dynamics
subject keywordstrained model n
identifier doi10.1109/PESGM.2014.6938960
journal titleiomedical Engineering (MECBME), 2014 Middle East Conference on

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