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contributor authorQi, Junjian
contributor authorAissa, Sonia
contributor authorAlouini, Mohamed-Slim
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:46:35Z
date available2020-03-12T18:46:35Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1751-8628
identifier other6740128.pdf
identifier uri
titleDual-hop amplify-and-forward cooperative relaying in the presence of Tx and Rx in-phase and quadrature-phase imbalance
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8004150
subject keywordsRayleigh channels
subject keywordsamplify and forward communication
subject keywordserror statistics
subject keywordsrelay networks (telecommunication)
subject keywordsAF cooperative protocol
subject keywordsI/Q imbalance
subject keywordsRayleigh fading environment
subject keywordschannel state information
subject keywordscompensation mechanism
subject keywordsdual-hop amplify-and-forward cooperative relaying
subject keywordsin-phase and quadrature-phase imbalance
subject keywordsopportunistic relay selection
subject keywordssymbol error probability
identifier doi10.1049/iet-com.2013.0287
journal titleCommunications, IET
journal volume8
journal issue3

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