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contributor authorFarsi, S.
contributor authorDraxler, Paul J.
contributor authorGheidi, H.
contributor authorNauwelaers, Bart K. J. C.
contributor authorAsbeck, P.
contributor authorSchreurs, Dominique
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:44:29Z
date available2020-03-12T18:44:29Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0018-9480
identifier other6730722.pdf
identifier uri
titleCharacterization of Intermodulation and Memory Effects Using Offset Multisine Excitation
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8002757
subject keywordsintermodulation distortion
subject keywordsnonlinear network synthesis
subject keywordsradiofrequency integrated circuits
subject keywordstransfer functions
subject keywordsin-band distortion measurements
subject keywordsintermodulation products
subject keywordsmemory effects characterization
subject keywordsmodel performance assessment
subject keywordsmultisine response
subject keywordsnonlinear circuit characterization
subject keywordsoffset multisine excitations
subject keywordstones frequency offsetting
subject keywordsComputers
subject keywordsDistortion measurement
subject keywordsFrequency measurement
subject keywordsFrequency modulation
subject keywordsMathematical model
subject keywordsNonlinear distortion
subject keywordsPeak to average power ratio
identifier doi10.1109/TMTT.2014.2302745
journal titleMicrowave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume62
journal issue3

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