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contributor authorMangold, M.
contributor authorLink, S.M.
contributor authorKlenner, A.
contributor authorZaugg, C.A.
contributor authorGolling, M.
contributor authorTilma, B.W.
contributor authorKeller, Ulrich
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:37:07Z
date available2020-03-12T18:37:07Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1943-0655
identifier other6690115.pdf
identifier uri
titleAmplitude Noise and Timing Jitter Characterization of a High-Power Mode-Locked Integrated External-Cavity Surface Emitting Laser
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7998046
subject keywordsintegrated optoelectronics
subject keywordslaser beams
subject keywordslaser cavity resonators
subject keywordslaser feedback
subject keywordslaser mode locking
subject keywordslaser noise
subject keywordslaser stability
subject keywordsoptical pulse generation
subject keywordsoptical saturable absorption
subject keywordspiezoelectric actuators
subject keywordssemiconductor lasers
subject keywordssurface emitting lasers
subject keywordstiming jitter
subject keywordsMIXSEL
subject keywordsRMS amplitude noise
subject keywordsRMS timing jitter
subject keywordsSESAM
subject keywordsVECSEL
subject keywordsactively stabilized operation
subject keywordsaverage output power
subject keywordscavity length
subject keywordscompact ultrafast laser sources
subject keywordsfeedback loop
subject keywordsfree-running passively mode-locked semiconduct
identifier doi10.1109/JPHOT.2013.2295464
journal titlePhotonics Journal, IEEE
journal volume6
journal issue1

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