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contributor authorYong Fang
contributor authorLiang Chen
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:35:26Z
date available2020-03-12T18:35:26Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0090-6778
identifier other6679369.pdf
identifier uri
titleImproved Binary DAC Codec with Spectrum for Equiprobable Sources
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7996906
subject keywordsHamming codes
subject keywordsarithmetic codes
subject keywordssearch problems
subject keywordssource coding
subject keywordsHamming distance
subject keywordsSWC
subject keywordsSlepian-Wolf coding
subject keywordsbinary DAC codec
subject keywordscodebook cardinalities
subject keywordsdistributed arithmetic coding
subject keywordsequiprobable sources
subject keywordssource space
subject keywordsweighted branching technique
subject keywordsComplexity theory
subject keywordsDecoding
subject keywordsEncoding
subject keywordsError probability
subject keywordsHamming distance
subject keywordsIndexes
subject keywordsRandom variables
subject keywordsSlepian-Wolf coding
subject keywordsdistributed arithmetic coding
subject keywordspermutation
subject keywordsspectrum
subject keywordsweighted branching
identifier doi10.1109/TCOMM.2013.112613.120796
journal titleCommunications, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume62
journal issue1

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