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contributor authorYi-Lei Chen
contributor authorChiou-Ting Hsu
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:33:51Z
date available2020-03-12T18:33:51Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1057-7149
identifier other6671997.pdf
identifier uri
titleMultilinear Graph Embedding: Representation and Regularization for Images
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7995715
subject keywordsgraph theory
subject keywordsimage representation
subject keywordssingular value decomposition
subject keywordsstatistical analysis
subject keywordstensors
subject keywordsHOSVD
subject keywordsMGE
subject keywordsdata generation
subject keywordsdiscriminative representation
subject keywordsface recognition
subject keywordsgait recognition
subject keywordsglobal statistics
subject keywordshigh-order singular value decomposition
subject keywordshigh-order tensor
subject keywordsimage regularization
subject keywordskernelization MKGE
subject keywordslinear dimensionality reduction
subject keywordsmanifold learning techniques
subject keywordsmultifactor image representation
subject keywordsmultilinear dimensionality reduction
subject keywordsmultilinear graph embedding
subject keywordsmultilinear models
subject keywordsno
identifier doi10.1109/TIP.2013.2292303
journal titleImage Processing, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume23
journal issue2

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