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contributor authorYupeng Qiu
contributor authorSua Myong
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:33:06Z
date available2020-03-12T18:33:06Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1077-260X
identifier other6665063.pdf
identifier uri
titleSingle Molecule Imaging of Proteins That Recognize and Repair DNA Damages
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7995215
subject keywordsDNA
subject keywordsbiochemistry
subject keywordsbiological techniques
subject keywordsfluorescence
subject keywordsmolecular biophysics
subject keywordsmolecular configurations
subject keywordsproteins
subject keywordsreviews
subject keywordstoxicology
subject keywordsDNA damages
subject keywordsDNA homologous repair
subject keywordsbiochemical analysis
subject keywordscytotoxic lesions
subject keywordsdouble-stranded DNA breaks
subject keywordsfluorescently label
subject keywordshomologous recombination
subject keywordsmolecular mechanisms
subject keywordsnanometer resolution
subject keywordsprotein complex
subject keywordsreview
subject keywordssingle molecule imaging
subject keywordssingle protein level
subject keywordsAmplitude modulation
subject keywordsClamps
subject keywordsDNA
subject keywordsImaging
subject keywordsMaintenance engineering
subject keywordsProteins
subject keywordsReal-time systems
identifier doi10.1109/JSTQE.2013.2284430
journal titleSelected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of
journal volume20
journal issue2

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