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contributor authorYong Sheng Khoo
contributor authorSingh, Jay Prakash
contributor authorWalsh, Timothy M.
contributor authorAberle, Armin G.
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:33:04Z
date available2020-03-12T18:33:04Z
date issued2014
identifier issn2156-3381
identifier other6665008.pdf
identifier uri
titleComparison of Angular Reflectance Losses Between PV Modules With Planar and Textured Glass Under Singapore Outdoor Conditions
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7995182
subject keywordsglass
subject keywordsreflectivity
subject keywordssolar cells
subject keywords60-cell photovoltaic modules
subject keywordsSiO<
subject keywordssub>
subject keywords2<
subject keywords/sub>
subject keywordsSingapore outdoor conditions
subject keywordsSingapore tropical conditions
subject keywordsangular loss factors
subject keywordsangular reflectance losses
subject keywordsgoniophotometer
subject keywordsnormally incident light
subject keywordsphotovoltaic module surface
subject keywordsplanar glass
subject keywordsradiation components
subject keywordstest conditions
subject keywordstextured front glass
subject keywordstransposition models
subject keywordsComputational modeling
subject keywordsGlass
subject keywordsLoss measurement
subject keywordsOptical losses
subject keywordsOptical variables measurement
subject keywordsPhotovoltaic systems
subject keywordsOptical lo
identifier doi10.1109/JPHOTOV.2013.2284544
journal titlePhotovoltaics, IEEE Journal of
journal volume4
journal issue1

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