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contributor authorYa-Shiou Chuang
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:30:56Z
date available2020-03-12T18:30:56Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0018-9391
identifier other6648380.pdf
identifier uri
titleLearning and International Knowledge Transfer in Latecomer Firms: The Case of Taiwan's Flat Panel Display Industry
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7993830
subject keywordselectronics industry
subject keywordsflat panel displays
subject keywordsinternational trade
subject keywordsknowledge management
subject keywordsorganisational aspects
subject keywordsresearch and development
subject keywordsstrategic planning
subject keywordsAU Optronics
subject keywordsAUO
subject keywordsCMI
subject keywordsChimei Innolux
subject keywordsR&
subject keywordsamp
subject keywordsD
subject keywordsTaiwan flat panel display industry
subject keywordsabsorptive capacity
subject keywordscompetitive position
subject keywordsexternal foreign source
subject keywordsforeign firms
subject keywordshigh-level innovative capability
subject keywordsin-house knowledge bases
subject keywordsinternal sources
subject keywordsinternational knowledge transfer
subject keywordsinternational market
subject keywordslatecomer firms
subject keywordslatecomer technologic
identifier doi10.1109/TEM.2013.2285183
journal titleEngineering Management, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume61
journal issue2

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