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contributor authorCanavero, Flavio
contributor authorFranceschini, Fiorenzo
contributor authorMaisano, Domenico
contributor authorMastrogiacomo, Luca
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:30:17Z
date available2020-03-12T18:30:17Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0361-1434
identifier other6636102.pdf
identifier uri
titleImpact of Journals and Academic Reputations of Authors: A Structured Bibliometric Survey of the IEEE Publication Galaxy
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7993423
subject keywordscitation analysis
subject keywordsinformation filtering
subject keywordssearch engines
subject keywordsCPP
subject keywordsGoogle Scholar
subject keywordsHirsch index
subject keywordsIEEE publication galaxy
subject keywordsIEEE scientific journal evaluation
subject keywordsIF
subject keywordsISI impact factor
subject keywordsScopus databases
subject keywordsWeb of Science
subject keywordsacademic reputations
subject keywordsautomated filtering techniques
subject keywordsbibliometric indicators
subject keywordscitation analysis
subject keywordscitation statistics
subject keywordsh-spectra distributions
subject keywordsh-spectrum indicator
subject keywordsjournal articles
subject keywordsjournal authors
subject keywordsmeasuring impact bibliometric method
subject keywordssearch engine statistic reliability
subject keywordsstructured bi
identifier doi10.1109/TPC.2013.2255935
journal titleProfessional Communication, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume57
journal issue1

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