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contributor authorKumar, Ajit
contributor authorKumar, Vipin
contributor authorAgarwal, Sankalp
contributor authorBasak, Abhishek
contributor authorJain, Nikhil
contributor authorBulusu, Anand
contributor authorManhas, Sanjeev Kumar
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:26:44Z
date available2020-03-12T18:26:44Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1536-125X
identifier other6583289.pdf
identifier uri
titleNitrogen-Terminated Semiconducting Zigzag GNR FET With Negative Differential Resistance
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7991219
subject keywordsFermi level
subject keywordsGreen'
subject keywordss function methods
subject keywordsab initio calculations
subject keywordsboron
subject keywordsdensity functional theory
subject keywordselectrical conductivity
subject keywordselectronic density of states
subject keywordsenergy gap
subject keywordsfield effect transistors
subject keywordsfullerene devices
subject keywordsgraphene
subject keywordsnanoelectronics
subject keywordsnanoribbons
subject keywordsnegative resistance
subject keywordsnitrogen
subject keywordspassivation
subject keywordssemiconductor doping
subject keywordssemiconductor materials
subject keywordsBloch functions
subject keywordsC:N,B
subject keywordsDFT
subject keywordsFermi level
subject keywordsI-V characteristics
subject keywordsNEGF formalism
subject keywordsband gap
subject keywordsband structure
subject keywordsboron doping
subject keywordscurrent-voltage characteristics
subject keywordsden
identifier doi10.1109/TNANO.2013.2279035
journal titleNanotechnology, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume13
journal issue1

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