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contributor authorDa Woon Jung
contributor authorSu Hwan Hwang
contributor authorHee Nam Yoon
contributor authorLee, Yu-Jin G.
contributor authorDo-Un Jeong
contributor authorKwang Suk Park
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:26:21Z
date available2020-03-12T18:26:21Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0018-9294
identifier other6578125.pdf
identifier uri
titleNocturnal Awakening and Sleep Efficiency Estimation Using Unobtrusively Measured Ballistocardiogram
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7990998
subject keywordsbiomechanics
subject keywordselectro-oculography
subject keywordselectrocardiography
subject keywordselectroencephalography
subject keywordselectromyography
subject keywordsmedical disorders
subject keywordsmedical signal processing
subject keywordspatient monitoring
subject keywordspolymer films
subject keywordssleep
subject keywordsthin film sensors
subject keywordsCohens kappa coefficient
subject keywordsOSA patients
subject keywordsawakening epochs
subject keywordsbed mattress
subject keywordsbody movement information
subject keywordsgold standard
subject keywordsheart rate
subject keywordsmean absolute errors
subject keywordsobstructive sleep apnea
subject keywordspolysomnography
subject keywordsreal-time detection
subject keywordsreal-time nocturnal awakening detection
subject keywordssleep efficiency
subject keywordssleep efficiency estimati
identifier doi10.1109/TBME.2013.2278020
journal titleBiomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume61
journal issue1

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