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contributor authorCiaurriz, Pablo
contributor authorDiaz, Ivan
contributor authorGil, Jorge Juan
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:25:33Z
date available2020-03-12T18:25:33Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1063-6536
identifier other6565389.pdf
identifier uri
titleStable Discrete-Time Impedances for Haptic Systems With Vibration Modes and Delay
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7990476
subject keywordsasymptotic stability
subject keywordsdelays
subject keywordshaptic interfaces
subject keywordsrendering (computer graphics)
subject keywordsvibrations
subject keywordsPHANToM Premium 1.0 haptic interface
subject keywordsdiscrete-time impedance
subject keywordsexperimental stability boundaries
subject keywordshaptic interface
subject keywordshaptic rendering
subject keywordshaptic systems
subject keywordsimpedance control loop
subject keywordsmechanical interface
subject keywordstime delay
subject keywordsvibration modes
subject keywordsvirtual damping
subject keywordsvirtual objects
subject keywordsvirtual stiffness
subject keywordsDamping
subject keywordsDelay effects
subject keywordsDelays
subject keywordsHaptic interfaces
subject keywordsStability analysis
subject keywordsTransfer functions
subject keywordsVibrations
subject keywordsHaptic interfaces
subject keywordshuman-ma
identifier doi10.1109/TCST.2013.2271931
journal titleControl Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume22
journal issue3

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