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contributor authorSvensson, Ola
contributor authorLeijon, Mats
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:23:43Z
date available2020-03-12T18:23:43Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0364-9059
identifier other6519954.pdf
identifier uri
titlePeak Force Measurements on a Cylindrical Buoy With Limited Elastic Mooring
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7989191
subject keywordsaccelerometers
subject keywordsbuoyancy
subject keywordscellular radio
subject keywordsdesign engineering
subject keywordselasticity
subject keywordsfatigue
subject keywordsforce measurement
subject keywordsforce sensors
subject keywordsmarine engineering
subject keywordsocean waves
subject keywordsoffshore installations
subject keywordswave power generation
subject keywordsGSM network
subject keywordsGlobal System for Mobile Communications network
subject keywordsLysekil project
subject keywordsSweden)
subject keywordsSwedish Centre for Renewable Electric Energy Conversion
subject keywordsSwedish wave energy research site
subject keywordsSwedish west coast
subject keywordsUppsala University
subject keywordscylindrical buoy
subject keywordsfatigue simulations
subject keywordsforce transducer
subject keywordslimited elastic mooring
subject keywordsl
identifier doi10.1109/JOE.2013.2247825
journal titleOceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of
journal volume39
journal issue2

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