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contributor authorBecattini, Gabriele
contributor authorMattos, Leonardo S.
contributor authorCaldwell, D.G.
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:21:47Z
date available2020-03-12T18:21:47Z
date issued2014
identifier issn2168-2194
identifier other6468049.pdf
identifier uri
titleA Fully Automated System for Adherent Cells Microinjection
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7987776
subject keywordsadhesion
subject keywordsbioMEMS
subject keywordscellular transport
subject keywordscomputer vision
subject keywordsfluorescence
subject keywordsimage segmentation
subject keywordsmedical image processing
subject keywordsmedical robotics
subject keywordsmicromanipulators
subject keywordsobject tracking
subject keywordsoptical microscopy
subject keywordsCHO-K1
subject keywordsHEK
subject keywordsadherent cell contours
subject keywordsadherent cell microinjection
subject keywordsautomated robotic system
subject keywordsautomatic cell targeting system
subject keywordsaverage injection rate
subject keywordsbiomanipulation laboratories
subject keywordsbright-field microscopy
subject keywordscell identification
subject keywordscell lines
subject keywordscell segmentation
subject keywordschemical markers
subject keywordscommercial equipment
subject keywordscomputer visi
identifier doi10.1109/JBHI.2013.2248161
journal titleBiomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Journal of
journal volume18
journal issue1

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