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contributor authorابراهیم مقامیen
contributor authorخلیل فرهنگ دوستen
contributor authorاحسان هماییen
contributor authorEbrahim Maghamifa
contributor authorKhalil Farhangdoostfa
contributor authorEhsan Homaeifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:22:18Z
date available2020-06-06T14:22:18Z
date copyright9/7/2016
date issued2016
identifier uri
description abstractThe aim of this study was to investigate the effects of geometry, thickness, and material on damage mechanics of porcelain fused to metal restorations using numerical method. Extended finite element method (XFEM) was employed to assess the critical loads to mark either the onset of radial cracks at the porcelain undersurface or plastic deformation at the metal top surface, as the two damage modes in dental prostheses. The models contained a brittle outerlayer (porcelain)/metal (Pd/Co/Au alloys) core/dentin substrate trilayer system which were indented by a tungsten-carbide hemisphere. In this study, cylinder and tapered cylinder shapes were created as two different geometries, which the tapered cylinder model was close to the real crown. XFEM not only has the ability to calculate crack initiation load, but also can solve crack propagation problems. The whole thickness of both metal and porcelain was presumed to be 1.5 mm. It was taken from the finite element analyses that harder and stiffer metal core is more resistant to radial crack nucleation. Additionally, it can be concluded that metal with thinner layers are more susceptible to radial cracking. In all models, tapered cylinder geometry has higher critical loads to approach both damage modes. The optimum porcelain layer thickness is offered to be 0.5 mm. Dental crown like structure geometry is an effective parameter. Moreover, metal layer should not be very thin in order to avoid radial cracking. Finally, metal stiffness is better to be high to postpone nucleation of radial cracks.en
titleA finite element study to find optimum thickness, material, and geometry for dental restorationsen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsPorcelain thicknessen
subject keywordsMetal-ceramicen
subject keywordsRestoration geometryen
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conference titleAnnual World Dental Congressen
conference locationپوزنانfa
identifier articleid1057572

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