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contributor authorحمیدرضا ابریشمیen
contributor authorامین رضاییان دلوییen
contributor authorغزاله خجسته طوسیen
contributor authorمحمود نقیب زادهen
contributor authorHamid Reza Abrishamifa
contributor authorAmin Rezaeianfa
contributor authorghazaleh khojastehfa
contributor authorMahmoud Naghibzadehfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:19:59Z
date available2020-06-06T14:19:59Z
date copyright5/20/2015
date issued2015
identifier uri
description abstractThe development of cloud computing technology has

been continuously growing since its invention and has attracted

the attention of many researchers in the academia and the

industry, particularly during the recent years. The majority of

organizations, whether large corporate businesses or typical

small companies, are moving towards employing this cutting edge

technology. Using private cloud provides low cost and privacy for

workflow applications execution. However, an organization’s

requirements to high performance resources and high capacity

storage devices lead them to utilize public clouds. Public cloud

leases information technology services in the form of small units

and in larger scale compared to private cloud, but this model is

potentially exposed to the risk of data breach and is less secure in

comparison to a pure private cloud environment. The

combination of public and private clouds is known as hybrid

cloud, where workflow tasks can be executed on resources

residing on either public or private clouds. The objective of this

paper is to present a scheduling algorithm for maintaining data

privacy in workflow applications, such that the budget is

minimized, while the makespan limitation imposed by the user is

titleScheduling in Hybrid Cloud to Maintain Data Privacyen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsHybrid Clouden
subject keywordsScheduling Algorithmen
subject keywordsStatic Schedulingen
subject keywordsWorkflowen
subject keywordsDAGen
subject keywordsSensitive Tasksen
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conference titleFifth International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH 2015)en
conference locationGaliciafa
identifier articleid1053496

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