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contributor authorقوشه عابدهدتنیen
contributor authorGhosheh Abed Hodtanifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:18:29Z
date available2020-06-06T14:18:29Z
date copyright5/6/2015
date issued2015
identifier uri
description abstractAbstract—Transmitter-receiver re-cognition is defined

information-theoretically and, as a communication theory

example of energy extracting intelligence, its effect on the

channel capacity is demonstrated, by considering linear

Gaussian channel with two sided input-noise dependent side

information, which is a continuous alphabet extension of discrete

alphabet Cover-Chiang capacity theorem.
titleThe Effect of Transceiver Recognition on the Gaussian Channel Capacityen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordstransmitter-receiver recognition-Gaussian channel capacityen
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conference titleIran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory-IWCIT-2015en
conference locationTehranfa
identifier articleid1048534

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