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contributor authorمرتضی رجب زاده اوغازen
contributor authorحسین خوش بین قماشen
contributor authorHeidi Steendamen
contributor authorMorteza Rajabzadehfa
contributor authorHossein Khoshbin Ghomashfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:15:03Z
date available2020-06-06T14:15:03Z
date copyright5/14/2014
date issued2014
identifier uri
description abstractIn this paper, a novel non-contiguous non-systematic

coded unique word (UW)-OFDM system is proposed to opportunistically

transmit data on the spectrum holes available in a

cognitive radio network. In such a system, the spectral sidelobes

of the active subcarriers interfere with the adjacent spectral band

used by the primary system. In the proposed scheme, the code

generator matrix of the UW-OFDM is designed to suppress the

sidelobes. So, there is no need to add any extra processing to the

transmitter for suppressing sidelobes. The derived code generator

matrix is optimum in the sense of being matched to the best linear

unbiased estimator and to the linear minimum mean square error

data estimators. The achieved sidelobe suppression is a function

of the number of transmitted data symbols. Simulation results

show that by a slight decrease in the number of transmitted data

symbols, the sidelobes power can be suppressed to zero.
titleSidelobe Suppression for Non-systematic Coded UW-OFDM in Cognitive Radio Networksen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsunique word OFDMen
subject keywordssidelobe suppressionen
subject keywordscognitive

subject keywordscode generator matrixen
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conference titleEuropean Wireless 2014; 20th European Wireless Conferenceen
conference locationBarcelonafa
identifier articleid1042711

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