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contributor authorمعصومه فشندیen
contributor authorجعفر احمدیen
contributor authorMassoumeh Fashandifa
contributor authorJafar Ahmadifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:13:57Z
date available2020-06-06T14:13:57Z
date copyright6/1/2014
date issued2014
identifier uri
description abstractLet X1,..., Xn be independent and identically distributed (iid) real-valued random

variables with continuous distribution function F, and denote the corresponding

ith order statistic by Xi:n. Two random variables K+(n;k;a) = #fi : Xi 2 [Xk:n;Xk:n +

a)g and K(n;k;a) = #fi : Xi 2 (Xk:n a;Xk:n]g have been defined in the literature,

where k = 1; :::;n and a > 0 is a constant. Several articles have been published to

study asymptotic behavior of the aforementioned random variables, see for example

Balakrishnan and Stepanov (2005) and Dembinska et al. (2007). We provide some

characterization results of F based on moments of K+(n;k;a) and K(n;k;a) using the

concept of completeness (Higgins, 2004) and the method of general solution of the

functional equation (Aczél, 1966).
titleCharacterizations based on moments of the number of observations near-order statisticsen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsCharacterizationsen
subject keywordsnear observationen
subject keywordsorder statisticsen
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conference title11th International Conference on Ordered Statistical Dataen
conference locationBędlewofa
identifier articleid1040735

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