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contributor authorمصطفی منعمی زادهen
contributor authorقوشه عابدهدتنیen
contributor authormostafa monemizadehfa
contributor authorGhosheh Abed Hodtanifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:07:00Z
date available2020-06-06T14:07:00Z
date copyright9/3/2012
date issued2012
identifier uri
description abstractAbstract—We study the two-user discrete memoryless compound

multiple access channel (MAC) with common message and two

specially correlated channel states each known non-causally by

one of the encoders. Two channel states are correlated in the

sense of Slepian-Wolf (SW) in which two correlated states are

modeled by three independent states: a common state and two

private states. By using superposition coding, binning scheme

and jointly decoding, we propose several achievable rates for

various cases of the two-user compound MAC with non-causal

Slepian-Wolf channel states available at encoders and common

message or conferencing encoders. Also, we show that the obtained achievable rate regions are optimal when perfect states

are known at both decoders as well.
titleAchievable Rate Regions for Compound MultipleAccess Channel with Channel State Informationen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsKeywords-Channel state informationen
subject keywordscommon messageen
subject keywordscompound multiple access channelen
subject keywordscorrelated sourcesen
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conference title2012 IEEE Information Theory Workshopen
conference locationlausanefa
identifier articleid1029722

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