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contributor authorمحمد محققیان گورتانیen
contributor authorM. Sadeghien
contributor authorمهدی پورافشاری چنارen
contributor authorM. Naghshen
contributor authormohammad mohagheghianfa
contributor authorMahdi Pourafshari Chenarfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:04:07Z
date available2020-06-06T14:04:07Z
date copyright11/15/2011
date issued2011
identifier uri
description abstractIn the last decades improving the performance of polymeric membranes, for example adding inorganic nanoparticles in polymer matrix is one of the predominant concerns of the researchers. In the present work, the separation of oxygen, nitrogen, methane and carbon dioxide gases by PVC/silica nanocomposite membranes were investigated. Silica nanoparticles were prepared via sol-gel method. Membranes were prepared by thermal phase inversion method. The prepared nanocomposite membranes were characterized using FTIR, SEM and TGA methods. The results demonstrate a nano-scale and good distribution of silica particles in the polymer matrix. This confirms the desirable mixing of the silica in polymer and also a good compatibility between the two phases. The thermal properties of PVC membranes were also improved by adding silica particles. The performances of prepared membranes in gas separation were measured at pressure of 10 barg and temperature of 25 ◦C. The obtained results showed that the permeability of all gases increased. Also by entering silica nanoparticles in PVC matrix, the performances of separation of CO2 from CH4 and separation of CO2 from N2 were increased.en
titleGas Separation Performance of Polyvinylchloride - Silica Nanocoposite Polymeric Membraneen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsGas separationen
subject keywordsNanocomposite membraneen
subject keywordsSilicaen
subject keywordsPolyvinylchloride (PVC)en
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conference titlePolymer Processing Society Asia/Australia Regional Meetingen
conference locationجزیره کیشfa
identifier articleid1025262

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