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contributor authorثامر اسعدیen
contributor authorمجید پاکیزهen
contributor authorمهدی پورافشاری چنارen
contributor authorsamer asadifa
contributor authorMajid Pakizehfa
contributor authorMahdi Pourafshari Chenarfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:01:44Z
date available2020-06-06T14:01:44Z
date copyright3/3/2011
date issued2011
identifier uri
description abstractIn the gas obtained from oil, gas and petrochemical industry, there are a large quantity of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Since H2S contents in natural gas flow are corrosive and damage transporting

pipelines and also devastate catalyst, they need to be separated. Hydrogen sulfide is a gas polluting environment; if a natural gas containing hydrogen sulfide is used in combustion process, SO2 is produced

which doesn t damage environment. One of the processes used in removing H2S from gas flow leading to production of sulfur is Claus process. In the present paper, first it is considered the simulation of Claus process using a process simulator called TSWEET then concentration effect of H2S, the ratio H2S/CO2, flow rate of input air to simulated Claus unit, acid gas flow of AG splitter and temperature of acid gas feed in three different concentrations of oxygen in input air into the unit on the main burner (reaction

furnace) temperature have been studied and compared. This indicates that temperature of the main burner increases up to a maximum temperature increasing of fraction of AG splitter flow to main burner increases then it is decreased by a sharp slope; this is true for all three concentrations of oxygen. However, if three other parameters (concentration of H2S, ratio H2S/CO2 and flow rate of air)

increase, temperature of main burner increases monotonically; this increase has different slopes depending on oxygen concentration in input air. But, by increasing temperature of acid gas feed,

temperature of main burner decreases. In general, concentration of oxygen increase in input air into Claus unit leads to a little change in temperature of main burner (all parameters are constant).
titleEffect of some Parameters on the Reaction Furnace Temperature in Different Concentrations of Oxygenen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsReaction Furnaceen
subject keywordsDifferent Oxygen Concentrationsen
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conference titleاولین همایش ملی فناوریهای نوین در صنایع نفت و گازfa
conference locationامیدیهfa
identifier articleid1021743

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