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contributor authorعلیرضا اکبرزاده توتونچیen
contributor authorجلیل صافحیانen
contributor authorجواد صافحیانen
contributor authorAlireza Akbarzadeh Tootoonchifa
contributor authorJlil Safehianfa
contributor authorjavad safehianfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:01:28Z
date available2020-06-06T14:01:28Z
date copyright2/26/2011
date issued2011
identifier uri
description abstractIn this paper, for the first time, kinematics

modelling of snake robot travelling with concertina locomotion

is presented. Next a novel kinematics modelling method is

presented which has an advantage of allowing natural snake

like locomotion. During concertina motion, certain parts of the

body contract, expand or do not change their shape. This

results into having different body curves for different parts of

a snake. To simulate this, first we introduce a mathematical

equation, called dynamic function, in which by varying a

certain function parameter, body curve during motion is

realized. To obtain concertina gait, the snake body is divided

into three different modules, head module, tail module and

main body module that connects the head to the tail module.

Each module forms a specific curve which can be modelled

using the proposed dynamic function. At each moment during

snake locomotion, the kinematics of different links can be

derived by fitting links to the body curve. Finally concertina

locomotion is simulated using Webots software. Results

indicate concertina locomotion can be obtained. Furthermore,

the proposed dynamic function requires relatively lower

computation requirement. Therefore, adaption of body curve

to other real snake like gaits as well as mixed type locomotion

is made possible. This works represents a first approach to a

simulation of a snake-like mechanism in order to get basic

characteristics of such locomotion and to enable our future

titleA New Approach to Kinematics Modelling of Snake-Robot Concertina Locomotionen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsSnake Roboten
subject keywordsConcertina Locomotionen
subject keywordsBody Shapeen
subject keywordsKinematicsen
identifier link
conference title2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies-MIMT 2011en
identifier articleid1021331

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