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contributor authorM. Sharafien
contributor authorM. H. Nasr-Esfahanien
contributor authorN. Nilien
contributor authorحسن نصیری مقدمen
contributor authorHassan Nassiri Moghaddamfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:57:27Z
date available2020-06-06T13:57:27Z
date copyright8/24/2009
date issued2009
identifier uri
description abstractThe purpose of the present study was to evaluate ram semen in vitro fertility after the freezing–

thawing process with extenders containing soybean lecithin. Soybean lecithin levels of 0.5, 1 and

2% (w/v) were assessed in combination with 7% glycerol in a basic Tris medium. Bioexcell was

used as control treatment. Semen samples were diluted with extenders and then frozen. The

sperm parameters were assessed after thawing for motility, viability and capacitation status.

Fertility was recorded as cleavage rate at 3day and blastocyst rate at 8day after in vitro

fertilization (IVF). Significant effects of various concentration of soybean lecithin were noted for

the parameters investigated (P≤0.05). The percentage of motility was recorded to be 41.8%,

51.9% and 39.7% for 0.5, 1 and 2% lecithin respectively. Also the percentage of viable

spermatozoa was estimated to be 36.08, 48.06 and 35.7 for 0.5, 1 and 2% lecithin respectively.

Lecithin at 1% had more positive effect than other concentrations. Bioexcell produced 49.18%

percentage of motile spermatozoa and 46.8% viable spermatozoa. No significant differences in

the staining patterns of capacitation status were observed. In IVF experiment, the cleavage rate

being significantly higher in oocytes fertilized with semen cryopreserved in 1% Lecithin.

Different concentration of lecithin had no effect on embryo development. Results indicated that

soybean lecithin is suitable cryoprotectant for cryopreservation of ram semen. Animal origin free

extender based on soybean lecithin we have investigated here is a viable alternative to traditional

egg yolk-based extenders.
titleSoybean lecithin is suitable cryoprotectant for cryopreservation of ram semenen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsSoybean lecithinen
subject keywordsram semenen
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conference title60th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Scienceen
conference locationبارسلوناfa
identifier articleid1015605

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