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contributor authorابوالقاسم گلیانen
contributor authorمحمد اعمی ازغدیen
contributor authorمحمّد صدقیen
contributor authorAbolghasem Golianfa
contributor authorMohammad Aami Azghadifa
contributor authorMohamad Sedghifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:56:17Z
date available2020-06-06T13:56:17Z
date copyright4/12/2010
date issued2010
identifier uri
description abstractThe BW and FCR were not influenced by dietary supplementation of Fermacto, CS or CSM during the starting period. CSM supplementation increased body weight measured at d 28 and improved (P< 0.05) feed conversion ratio during 13-28 d, whereas BW and FCR did not change with the addition of CS or Fermacto to diets. The blood parameters were not significantly (P> 0.05) affected in birds fed diets containing either Fermacto, CSM orCS. The inclusion of Fermacto increased the Lymphocytes fraction (0.81 vs. 0.63 MSE=0.054) and decreased Heterophil (0.18 vs. 0.36 MSE=0.056) and Monocyte (0.01 vs. 0.013 MSE=0.007) fractions compared to control birds (P<0.05).en
titleThe comparison of dietary supplementation of cumin seed and cumin seed meal with prebiotic on bloodmetabolites and performance of broiler chickensen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsCumin seeden
subject keywordsCumin seed mealen
subject keywordsblood metaboliteen
subject keywordsbroiler chickensen
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conference titleBritish Society of Animal Science World Poultry Science (UKen
conference locationBelfastfa
identifier articleid1014133

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