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contributor authorسیدمصطفی نوعی باغبانen
contributor authorرضا رضازادهen
contributor authorایمان ابریشم چیen
contributor authorسیدحسین نوعی باغبانen
contributor authorSeyed Mostafa Nowee Baghbanfa
contributor authorIman Abrishamchifa
contributor authorSeyed Hossein Noie Baghbanfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:55:48Z
date available2020-06-06T13:55:48Z
date copyright9/6/2009
date issued2009
identifier uri
description abstractThe effect of input air properties on the efficiency of Heat Pipe Heat Exchangers (HPHE) in series used

for the purpose of energy conservation in an air conditioning system has been investigated at pilot scale in this paper. Thermosyphon type heat pipes used in the heat exchangers have the duty of precooling the input air and conducting the heat to the processed stream by preheating it. HPHE is a heat superconductor that deals with few temperature gradients between evaporator and condenser sections and with no heat pump and no additional power. The main design parameters of this air conditioning system include mass flow, temperature and humidity, which affect heat transfer coefficient and efficiency of the HPHE. The experiments show that by using HPHE in an air conditioning system, with both methanol working fluid we will save in average around 9% of energy in the evaporator and 37% in the condenser of the HPHE and for methanol – acetone working fluid we will save 15% in the evaporator and 64% in the condenser. The significance of this paper is the use of two HPHEs in series which make them more efficient in contrast to a single HPHE. This framework has the ability to put different working fluids in the HPHEs, such as methanol and acetone utilized in this research.
titleExperimental investigation effect of input air property at efficiency of air condition systems with two series HPHEen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsAir conditioningen
subject keywordsThermosyphon heat exchangeren
subject keywordsHeat pipeen
subject keywordsEnergy savingen
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conference title11th UK National Heat Transfer Conferenceen
conference locationلندنfa
identifier articleid1013381

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