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contributor authorحسین اسکندریen
contributor authorسیدمحمدسعید ماجدیen
contributor authorامیررضا عطاریen
contributor authorOscar Quevedo-Teruelen
contributor authorHossein Skandarifa
contributor authorMohammad Saeed Majedifa
contributor authorAmir Reza Attarifa
contributor authorOscar Quevedo-Teruelfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:45:41Z
date available2020-06-06T13:45:41Z
date issued2019
identifier uri
description abstractA circular graded index lens is conformally transformed to an elliptical shape using a closed-form transformation. The proposed transformation is then employed to compress a Maxwell fish-eye and its generalized version. Since the transformation is conformal, the electromagnetic properties of the device are perfectly preserved after the transformation with fully isotropic and dielectric-only materials. Ray-tracing and full-wave simulations are carried out for several cases to verify the functionality of the optically transformed lenses in geometrical optics and wave optics regimes.en
titleElliptical generalized Maxwell fish-eye lens using conformal mappingen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordstransformation opticsen
subject keywordsconformal transformationen
subject keywordsMaxwell fish-eyeen
identifier doi10.1088/1367-2630/ab2471
journal titleNew Journal of Physicsfa
journal volume21
journal issue6
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identifier articleid1074675

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