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contributor authorامیر بهادرستانیen
contributor authorجن ترجی کارلسنen
contributor authorناصر مطهری فریمانیen
contributor authorAmir Bahadorestanifa
contributor authorJan Terje Karlsenfa
contributor authorNasser Motahari Farimanifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:44:58Z
date available2020-06-06T13:44:58Z
date issued2019
identifier uri
description abstractThis paper presents a comprehensive project stakeholder typology model -PSTM- based on stakeholder salience attributes. Stakeholders are considered as one of the major pillars of construction projects and management of stakeholders is essential to effective project management in the construction industry. A literature review of stakeholder typology and management models was conducted to identify all the different stakeholder salience attributes that are being applied. This analysis revealed important variation in the attributes, models and frameworks. A questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews were conducted to fulfil the research purpose. Based on a Venn-diagram analysis of data, we suggest a clear and non-overlapping stakeholder salience attributes framework to be used in construction projects. We also propose a project stakeholder typology model -PSTM- based on stakeholder salience attributes. The results indicated that PSTM can divide stakeholders into 15 different types based on four attributes: “Potency, Legitimacy, Urgency, and Proximity”. It is expected that the results of this study can be used by practicing professionals such as project managers when identifying, categorizing and managing stakeholders in construction projects.en
titleA Comprehensive Stakeholder-Typology Model Based on Salience Attributes in Construction Projectsen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsStakeholder salience attributeen
subject keywordsStakeholder typology modelen
subject keywordsConstruction projectsen
identifier doi10.1061/(asce)co.1943-7862.0001684
journal titleJournal of Construction Engineering and Managementfa
journal volume145
journal issue9
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identifier articleid1073885

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