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contributor authorمحبوبه زارگزیen
contributor authorمحمدحسن انتظاریen
contributor authormahboobeh zargazifa
contributor authorMohammad Hassan Entezarifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:44:53Z
date available2020-06-06T13:44:53Z
date issued2019
identifier uri
description abstractForest-like BiFeO3 film formed through electrophoretic deposition of a prepared sol over stainless steel mesh, for the first time. The resultant film characterized by X-ray diffraction -XRD-, scanning electron microscopy -SEM- combined with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy -EDS-, atomic force microscopy -AFM- and magnetic force microscopy -MFM-.Thephoto-electrochemical studiesshowthatthecurrentandopencircuitpotentialmovedto positive values under visible light. This explained by the fact that BiFeO3 film generates photo-induced electrons and produce photocurrent and photovoltage. Finally, as prepared thin film used for photocatalytic degradation of phenol in a photocatalytic reactor. The morphology has a significant role on the photocatalytic efficiency due to enhance light-harvesting feature and provide multi scattering centers. Forest-like film was included nanobranches with diameter of 100–150nm that offer pathways to facilitate electron transfer to substrate. In photocatalytic studies,the effectofimportant parameterssuch asinitial phenolconcentration, addition ofH2O2,and rotating speed investigated on the photocatalytic efficiency.en
titleA novel synthesis of forest like BiFeO3 thin film: Photo-electrochemical studies and its application as a photocatalyst for phenol degradationen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsBismuth ferriteen
subject keywordsElectrophoretic depositionen
subject keywordsThin filmen
subject keywordsPhotocatalytic activityen
identifier doi10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.03.347
journal titleApplied Surface Sciencefa
journal volume483
journal issue1
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identifier articleid1073784

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