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contributor authorسید احسان معین تقویen
contributor authorقوشه عابدهدتنیen
contributor authorSeyed Ehsan Moeen Taghavifa
contributor authorGhosheh Abed Hodtanifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:41:24Z
date available2020-06-06T13:41:24Z
date issued2018
identifier uri
description abstractFor discrete memoryless Slepian-Wolf multiple access relay channel with relay-sources feedback (SW-MARCRSF),

an achievable rate region via partial decode and forward strategy at the relay is proposed, and by extending the

results to the continuous alphabet version, the corresponding achievable rate region of the Gaussian SW-MARC-RSF

is obtained. It is shown that our results include the important previous works on multiple-access channel (MAC)

with feedback (Cover-Leung rate region) and without feedback (Slepian-Wolf (SW) rate region, etc.) as special cases.

Finally, through comparison of the achievable rate regions, with and without feedback, the impact of feedback on

achievability is analyzed. The derived achievable rate region is shown to resolve the residual uncertainty at the receiver

in an efficient way and demonstrates that in the partial decode and forward strategy, relay-sources feedback increases

the achievable rate region in both discrete memoryless and Gaussian multiple access relay channels.
titlePartial Feedback Impact on Achievable Rate Region in Multiple Access Relay Channelsen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsAchievable Rate Regionen
subject keywordsPartial Decode and Forwarden
subject keywordsPartial Feedbacken
subject keywordsSlepian-Wolf Multiple Access Relay

journal titleInternational Journal of Communication Systemsfa
journal volume31
journal issue17
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identifier articleid1069765

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