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contributor authorM. Eshghizadehen
contributor authorA. Talebien
contributor authorمحمدتقی دستورانیen
contributor authorM. Eshghizadehfa
contributor authorA. Talebifa
contributor authorMohammad Taghi Dastoranifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:40:32Z
date available2020-06-06T13:40:32Z
date issued2018
identifier uri
description abstractIn this study, LAPSUS model is modified to enhance the effective rainfall estimation

by SCS curve number method. The LAPSUS model calculates discharge based on

effective rainfall and routs it towards lower neighbouring grid cells following the multiple

flow direction principle. Then, the sediment transport capacity and sediment transport rate are

calculated in each grid cell. Finally, erosion or sedimentation is calculated by comparing the

sediment transport rate with the sediment already in the transport of each grid cell. The amount

of rainfall, curve number, convergence factor, discharge exponent, slope exponent, erodibility

factor, and sedimentation ability factor are inputted to the application page of the modified

model that was created in the C++ programming. The outputs of the model are runoff and

erosion maps in ASCII format. Evaluating performance of the modified model showed a high

accuracy of its results. The value of the coefficient of determination (R2) calculated 0.99 for

runoff and 0.97 for erosion. The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency was 0.96 for runoff and 0.97 for

erosion. The value of the precision index calculated 0.81 for both runoff and erosion. Also, the

nRMSE calculated 3% for both runoff and erosion. The result showed that the modified model

capable to estimate the runoff and erosion on a landscape in a micro sub-catchment scale.
titleA Modified LAPSUS Model to Enhance the Effective Rainfall Estimation by SCS-CN Methoden
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsCNen
subject keywordsEffective rainfallen
subject keywordsLAPSUSen
subject keywordsSCSen
journal titleWater Resources Managementfa
journal volume32
journal issue10
identifier link
identifier articleid1068912

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