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contributor authorM.R. Soltanien
contributor authorM. Farahanien
contributor authorجواد سپاهی یونسیen
contributor authorJavad Sepahi-Younsifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:27:57Z
date available2020-06-06T13:27:57Z
date issued2011
identifier uri
description abstractThe flow over a supersonic inlet has been investigated experimentally and numerically at a

free stream Mach number of 2 and a zero degree angle of attack. Wind tunnel tests were performed to

obtain the performance parameters of the inlet and were used as a baseline and validation tools for the

numerical code. A heat source was added to the flow field at a distance ahead of the inlet. The effect of

heat source addition on the main performance parameters of the inlet is investigated numerically. Results

show that the heat source considerably reduces drag coefficient; however, its effect on pressure recovery is not favorable. This unfavorable effect was then minimized by controlling heat source parameters, such as its location, size and shape. For the optimum condition, drag coefficient reduces considerably, inlet mass flow rate increases, but pressure recovery slightly decreases.
titlePerformance Study of a Supersonic Inlet in the Presence of a Heat Sourceen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsSupersonic inleten
subject keywordsHeat sourceen
subject keywordsDrag coefficienten
subject keywordsPressure recoveryen
subject keywordsMass flow rateen
journal titleScientia Iranicaen
journal titleScientia Iranicafa
journal volume18
journal issue3
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identifier articleid1054294

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