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contributor authorمحمد رضائی پژندen
contributor authorفرزاد شهابیان مقدمen
contributor authorمحسن بمبائی چیen
contributor authorMohaamad Rezaiee Pajandfa
contributor authorFarzad Shahabian Moghadamfa
contributor authorMohsen Bambaeecheefa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:25:05Z
date available2020-06-06T13:25:05Z
date issued2015
identifier uri
description abstractIt is intended to perform buckling analysis of steel gabled frames with tapered members and

flexible connections. The method is based on the exact solutions of the governing differential equations for

stability of a gabled frame with I-section elements. Corresponding buckling load and subsequently effective

length factor are obtained for practical use. For several popular frames, the influences of the shape factor,

taper ratio, span ratio, flexibility of connections and elastic rotational and translational restraints on the

critical load, and corresponding equivalent effective length coefficient are studied. Some of the outcomes are

compared against available solutions, demonstrating the accuracy, efficiency and capabilities of the

presented approach.
titleBuckling analysis of semi-rigid gabled framesen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsgabled frameen
subject keywordstapered memberen
subject keywordsI-sectionen
subject keywordsflexible connectionen
subject keywordscritical loaden
subject keywordseffective length

subject keywordsbucklingen
journal titleStructural Engineering and Mechanicsfa
journal volume55
journal issue5
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identifier articleid1048959

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