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contributor authorمحمدرضا اصلانیen
contributor authorA. V. Heidarien
contributor authorMohammad Reza Aslanifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:22:25Z
date available2020-06-06T13:22:25Z
date issued2007
identifier uri
description abstractThe purpose of this study was evaluation of magnesium sulfate effect in treatment of acute

oleander intoxication in sheep. Eleven young native sheep randomly divided into 2 groups, 6

sheep being allocated to the treatment group and 5 served as controls. Sheep of both groups were

dosed with a lethal dose of 110mg/kg body weight of dried oleander leaves. In sheep of treatment

group, following development of ventricular arrhythmias, magnesium sulfate was slowly

administered intravenously with dose rate of 100mg/kg body weight. Clinical signs of toxicosis

were developed within 30 -40 minutes after dosing of the plant. Serial electrocardiography

revealed various abnormalities and arrhythmias of cardiac rhythm in sheep of control group.

Animals of control group died within 4.5 to 12 hours (median 8.5 hours) after receiving the toxic

material. Administration of magnesium sulfate in sheep of treatment group suppressed

ventricular arrhythmias to benign ones or normal sinus rhythm but its effect was transient and

persisted for 3 to 3.5 hours. Second injection of magnesium had same effect but there was no

considerable therapeutic effect after third injection of the drug. Sheep of treatment group died

within 18 to 34 hours (median 24.5 hours) after receiving the oleander. Statistical analysis

revealed a highly significant difference in survival time between the control and the treatment

groups (p<0.004). The results suggested that magnesium sulfate can be used as a complementary

therapeutic agent for treatment of acute oleander toxicosis in farm animals.
titleThe effect of magnesium sulfate in treatment of experimental oleander (Nerium oleander) poisoning in sheepen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsNerium oleanderen
subject keywordssheepen
subject keywordscardiac glycosidesen
subject keywordsmagnesium sulfateen
subject keywordsarrhythmiasen
journal titleIranian Journal of Veterinary Researchfa
journal volume4
journal issue62
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identifier articleid203576

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