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contributor authorFirooz Arashen
contributor authorسیده فاطمه تقوی شهریen
contributor authorSeyyedeh Fatemeh Taghavi Shahrifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:19:17Z
date available2020-06-06T13:19:17Z
date issued2008
identifier uri
description abstractWithin the framework of the so-called valon model, we argue that a substantial part of the nucleon spin,

about 40%, is carried by the polarized valence quarks. The remaining is the result of cancelations between gluon polarization and the orbital angular momentum, where the gluon polarization is the dominant one. It is shown that the sea quark contributions to the spin of any hadron is simply marginal and consistent with zero. Our findings point to a substantially smaller value for a8 than inferred from hyperon β decay, suggesting that full SU(3) symmetric assumption needs to be reconsidered. New and emerging experimental data tend to support this finding. Finally, we show that within the model presented here the experimental data on the polarized structure functions g1,n,d are reproduced.
titleValence quark polarization in the nucleon and the deuteron dataen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsnucleon structure-valence quark polarization-spinen
journal titlePhysics Letters Bfa
journal volume668
journal issue3
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identifier articleid1042100

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