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contributor authorF. Moeen-Moghadasen
contributor authorاحسان منبتیen
contributor authorحسین تقی زاده کاخکیen
contributor authorEhsan Monabbatifa
contributor authorHossein Taghizadeh Kakhkifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:18:04Z
date available2020-06-06T13:18:04Z
date issued2013
identifier uri
description abstractSince late 1960's, the emergency location problems, fire stations and medical emergency

services have attracted the attention of researchers. Mathematical models, both deterministic

and probabilistic, have been proposed and applied to find suitable locations for such facilities

in many urban and rural areas. Here, we review some models proposed for finding the

location of such facilities, with an eye on successfully implemented real life applications. We

then propose an extension of the QM-CLAM model of Marianov and Serra (1998) to M/G/k

systems, and suggest a GRASP type heuristic procedure for solving the problem. To improve

the computed solution, local search heuristics are used. Sensitivity analysis and some

computational results are also presented
titleEmergency Location Problems with an M/G/k Queueing Systemen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsEmergency location problemsen
subject keywordsMaximal covering locationen
subject keywordsQueueing location modelsen
subject keywordsGRASPen
journal titleIranian Journal of Operations Researchfa
journal volume4
journal issue1
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identifier articleid1041058

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